Largest terrestrial arthropod - The Coconut crab

Coconut crab (Birgus latro

Coconut crab as intimidating it may look is actually a fascinating and gentle creature and not aggressive towards humans. 

They are the largest land dwelling arthropods and are restricted to the Andaman and Nicobar archipelego the only place in India where they are found as they are habituated to live in rush rainforest and along rocky shores. 

In the Andaman and Nicobar islands they are restricted to Great Nicobar Island, South Sentinel Island, Car Nicobar, Katchal and Camorta. 

They can grow up to 3 feet long and weigh up to 4 kg and are shy, nocturnal creatures. They feed on coconut, fruits and carrion (decaying dead flesh of animals). 

These are also called as Robber crab and Palm thief 

Unique strategies and special adaptations of Robber crab

  • Their powerful claws with incredible force can break open the huge coconuts of the islands with ease.
  • They have a unique strategy of avoiding predators by burying in sand, with only their eyes exposed that allows them to blend with surroundings, and prevent detection.
  • Another remarkable thing is  their ability to climb tall and large trees despite their huge size and weight
  • They release chemical signals for communication and for marking territories
  • They are efficient consumers of  carrion, thereby acting as scavengers and help in keeping the environment clean. 
  • They can smell and detect their food from long distances. 
  • They are also adapted to aquatic conditions and can thrive both in fresh and even saltwaters of the Islands.
  • They of a long life span of up to 60 years. 
  • They have limb autotomy( ability to regenerate their lost claws). 
  • These remarkable features help them to adapt to challenging habitats and escape predation.

Fascinating fact

Coconut crabs can use their claws as lungs! 

They have a moist membrane in their shells that can absorb oxygen from air. This remarkable ability along with other distictive feature helps them thrive through unfavourable conditions, and makes them the world's largest land dwelling arthropod.

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