Sea turtle nesting beaches - A&N Islands


Sea turtles are amazing creatures of the deep. 

Apart from few sea snakes, they are the only reptiles that spend their whole lives in seas.  

You may wonder, how are they then spotted on beaches?  

It is because only females come ashore for only few hours every year, to lay their eggs. 

The shells of sea turtles are less doomed unlike freshwater turtles. 

The way turtles try to flap their front legs may appear awkward on land but the same flipper like front legs are used to swim through the sea with awesome grace. 

There are only seven species found in  tropical and sub tropical seas and ocean.

Interesting fact: Turtles don't have teeth.

Turtle nesting

Turtle nesting describes the laying of eggs by sea turtles on sandy beaches and hatching of those eggs. The location and season of nesting varies from species to  species.

 After mating at sea, female turtles return to same place every year to lay eggs.

 They may lay nearly 50 - 150 eggs, following which it returns to the sea after covering the nest with sand using her flippers.

 Two to three months later little hatchlings emerge from nests. 

 Andaman and Nicobar Island is a popular nesting site in South Asia. 

Four type of turtles nesting in Andaman and Nicobar Islands can be seen

- Leatherback turtle

- Hawksbill

-Green Turtle

- Olive Ridley

Some popular nesting locations for these Turtles are:

1) Olive Ridley

Ramnagar beach in North Andaman, Corbyn's cove in South Andaman, Cuthbert Bay in Middle Andaman and many isolated beaches on the east coast of Middle Andaman have been known as important nesting sites for Olive Ridley turtles.

 Besides Ross and Smith Islands are nesting home to olive Ridleys.

 There are 12 sites reported from Andaman and 3 from Nicobar Islands.

Nesting season:  October to April 

Did you Know: 

The Pacific ridley is the smallest sea turtle. It measures about 70 cm long and weighs less than 41 Kg. 

2) Green Turtle

The green turtle is most common species of turtle in these islands.

It nests in 37 sites in Andaman and 12 nesting sites in Nicobar Islands.

Nesting Period: June to November

The green turtle was earlier hunted in large numbers for its mest, shell eggs and skin.

So, it is in the official list of threatened animals, trade in its products is now strictly controlled and is a punishable offense.

3) Hawksbill

These are important turtles and 27 nesting sites have been reported so far. 

Nesting Season: September to December.

 Hawksbill turtles are named so because of their pointed beaks that resembles those of birds.

4) Leatherback 

These are unique among all turtles as their Nesting sites are confined to Nicobar islands.

Galathea, Dagmar river, sandy beaches are popular nesting sites. 

Nesting Season: November to January 

Leatherback turtles tagged in Australia have also been observed on Great Nicobar Island. 

This Leatherback sea turtle is named so for its unusual shell, that is made of thick leathery substance strengthened by tiny bones.

 The Leatherback is the Largest of all Turtles and Tortoises. It can weigh more than 500 Kg.

These largest turtle's only nesting site in India is in Great Nicobar, Little Nicobar and Little Nicobar Island's beaches. Watching these beautiful creature's nesting activity is a spectacular sight. 

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  1. This blog is a fantastic tribute to the incredible sea turtle nesting beaches of the A&N Islands. Way of presenting is awesome🤩✨
